CASH & CARRY NOW OPEN (M-F) 8 AM - 4:30 PM (SAT) 8:AM - 1 PM (Always call to check Saturday Hours Around the Holiday)
The Aurora UV LED exposure unit exposes screens quickly, evenly and efficiently. It exposes screens in seconds while giving you sharp detail and high resolution half-tones, with even exposure across the whole screen. Featuring long-lasting LEDs designed to last 50,000 hours, the Aurora UV LED exposure unit requires no startup or cool down time, keeps temperatures low and is less expensive to maintain than metal halide units. Let the Aurora shorten your setup times and lower your energy costs today. This exposure unit is designed for one-touch operation, from the 7.5" touchscreen controls and ability to save and recall up to 8 job settings, to the flip-latch blanket locks. The Aurora exposure unit is available with a maximum screen size of 23" x 33" or 26" x 36" (for single screens), or 46"x33" or 52"x36" (exposes two screens at the same time).
*Stand included, except 23" x 33" tabletop model