CASH & CARRY NOW OPEN (M-F) 8 AM - 4:30 PM (SAT) 8:AM - 1 PM (Always call to check Saturday Hours Around the Holiday)
Print on virtually any substrate, screen printing press type or configuration with a wide variety of screen printing press pallets to choose from. Standard platens for automatic screen printing machines and manual screen printing presses are made of aluminum coated with skid-resistant rubber to provide a strong, heat-resistant print surface. Custom configurations are available upon request. Standard pallets are available in sizes of 6" x 6" up to 41" x 56" oversized. Ask about size options for Job-Specific pallets when you call.
All Over Print Pallet: allows the user to print all the way to the edge of the substrate. Compatible with most Anatol screen printing presses.
Youth Pallet: supports youth-size t-shirts, textile garments and other smaller substrates.
Jacket Hold-Down Pallet: perfect for any garment that has both an outer layer and a lining that need to be held in place. The pallet's frame grips the substrate to lock-down garments any thickness.
Single Sleeve Pallet: ideal for small, long, or narrow substrates such as sleeves, pet wear, scarves, etc.
Double Sleeve Pallet: print twice as much on one platen, from two sleeves at once, to multiple items. The broad cut-out area provides ample clearance when printing on sweatshirts or other bulky items.
Umbrella Hold-Down Pallet: a platen specially designed to hold umbrellas of any size flat and in place for screen printing.
Binder Pallet: designed specifically for printing on three-ring binders and padfolios.
Oversized Pallets: extra-large standard pallets for oversized substrates.
Vacuum Pallet System: holds flat substrates such as posters in place. (Vacuum pallet systems must be ordered at the time the screen printing press is purchased.)
*NEW* Face Mask Pallet: designed for printing on protective face coverings. Available in custom sizes to meet your requirements.