CASH & CARRY NOW OPEN (M-F) 8 AM - 4:30 PM (SAT) 8:AM - 1 PM (Always call to check Saturday Hours Around the Holiday)
Available in configurations of 4 stations/4 colors - 12 stations/12 colors Maximum Screen Size 26" x 36"Maximum Print Area 21" x 28"
The Thunder is an industrial-grade manual screen printing press designed to handle high-demand printing while minimizing wear and tear on the user. The most durable manual screen printing machine on the market, the Thunder is an excellent addition as a sampling or production press. It has the same pallet arm and carousel design as the Anatol automatic t-shirt screen printing machines. The dual bearing system provides easy movement throughout the day. The Thunder is available with possible configurations of 4 Station/4 Colors, 4 Station/6 Colors, 6 Station/6 Colors, 4 Station/8 Colors, 8 Station/8 Colors, 10 Station/10 Colors and 12 Station/12 Colors.
Secure the pallet instantly with the flick of switch to ensure exact registration alignment. (Requires air compressor.)