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Easiway Screen Perfect Deagreaser RFU (Ready For Use) - Gallon
EasiSolv™ Screen Perfect Emulsion/Stencil Enhancer is a ready to use liquid which provides a revolutionary, radical approach to preparing mesh for emulsion coating and film application.
Many of the typical issues encountered in screen production will be completely eliminated by this unusual combination of water-based polymeric components. Fisheyes and pinholes are removed. On screens covered with emulsion, thick and thin spots will vanish. Screens appear and feel more fluid. Print lifespan is increased. Screens are simple to clean. Mesh easily reclaims. All of these advantages will be offered by EasiSolv Screen Perfect, which also does away with the requirement for a wetting agent, mesh prep, and screen degreaser. There are no VOCs in this item.This product has no VOCs.