New Easiway Safety Data Sheets Available
As usual, our friends at Easiway are leading the way in regulatory and environmental protection by updating their Safety Data Sheets per the new mandatory governmental regulations.
3 HUGE Reasons You Should Switch To Wipe-On Pallet Adhesive
You would be remiss if you didn't try out wipe-on pallet adhesive. This stuff is not only great during production but afterwards, too (referring to clean-up).
Check out this post for some useful info on wipe-on pallet adhesives
Do you know your cost per screen?
Every wonder how much your reclaiming process costs? Not much, right? Well, you might be surprised to here that just a couple sprays can be more costly than you realize. Our friends over at Easiway Systems have written an amazing article about the costs your facing in your reclaim area. It's an eye-opener. Want to know more about how Easiway want to save you money? Then, keep reading. (:
Exposure Lamp Comparison
Capillary Film
Ulano EZ Film allows you to go from 0 to press in a fraction of the time needed with liquid emulsion. This easy to use and cost effective product promises to revolutionize your darkroom.
Bigger, Faster, Stronger
Job Preparation and Printing
Nothing will frustrate and cost a printer during production quite like lack of preparation. Print production is an art that requires a rhythm and flow so that the printer can be both efficient and accurate. Production is where profit is made or lost and most often it is preparation that dictates which a printer will experience.