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Many of the issues that printers have with ink coverage have little to do with their ink. In fact most of the ink on the market today is designed for optimum coverage and opacity. So why then are so many people still having issues with ink coverage? Not always, but often, the answer is in the mesh choice and stencil thickness.

Many printers don’t take the time to research their screen mesh to ensure that the thread diameter and mesh count are optimal for their ink type. This, in conjunction with the low-tension screens found in the average shop can really impede the ability of your ink to cover. Furthermore, many printers aren’t creating a proper stencil through which to print their ink. Liquid emulsion dried incorrectly or applied incorrectly can create a thin stencil or create a stencil on the wrong side of the screen. And using the wrong emulsion may mean that your stencil will be too thin even if everything is done correctly.

The good news is that with just a little extra care given to mesh choice and screen prep most printers would see coverage problems disappear and profits reappear right before their eyes.

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